Thursday, June 16, 2011

my sentiments Part 2 (owam ukhupa)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 11:56pm

If the ANC is so right why is the rest of the world (not even local media alone) against this issue? Why did it wait so long? The truth is these people are so used to getting their way. Do you think the workers would still be on the streets and not have accepted the latest government offer if it wasn't for the media exposing the extent of corruption by the same people who claim to be serving them? I say once again, in the next election it's going to take more than emotional blackmail and food parcels to win the same damn black vote they are so sure off. It won't be our grandparents going to the voting stations (they have lost hope of the struggle they buried and lost children for). When the SABC shot itself in the foot with looters, I said it was time private and community media to step up the game and cease the moment. Now, it is time for political parties to do the same, in the wake of these antics by the ruling party.

Why are companies like Pick n Pay speaking out against this, if it does not affect business? I think I highlighted in my previous note that, yes, there are malicious journalists out there. Take for an example the people who broke the story of Fiona Coyne's passing. The reports said she died in an accident and later we learn that suicide is suspected and she passed on at home. Those are journalists who are lazy or have editors who save budgets and expect their journalists to fill their pages with news to increase circulation and hike advertising rates. A case should be built in those cases and perpetrators "brought to book"(I love hearing that from chief). Any editor who allows a certain journalist for an example, to continue lowering the standard of his publication, profession and credibility is not worthy. It used to be a shame for a journalist to get the spelling of a person wrong nowadays no one even cares. These are issues that should be trashed out by (not the government or ruling party alone) but other stakeholders as well. When people like Julius Malema claim in public that this is going to happen while the president is saying this is still a debate, that tells me there is a level of miscommunication or deliberate attempt to throw a veil over our eyes. I still maintain this does not need our constitution to be tempered with, for these people to be brought to account. It calls for government and media principals to trash it out.

I concur with the sentiments below..

Our country's press and media freedom is being attacked, and by extension our fundamentally democratic freedom of speech.When arrogant governments become vague and secretive - hiding what should be transparent public information, and reclassifying that information as "state secret" or "classified" - then there is a serious problem.When a state seeks to police the people, control the media, and do away with private ownership (nationalisation of the mines), that's called communism.

I have seen a comment by the BMF supporting the tribunal and ask whose businesses are you managing? On whose behalf are you talking? The SMME's you can't even promote or allow near your "important" title and status? The businesses started by your struggling (to find a job) younger brothers whom you can't even support or afford a sponsor because they know and have more natural flare than you? Come on, brother!

You of all people should know when a boy comes back from the mountain he is given and armed with wisdom to build his own house and path. Why have you not invited these journalists and work or chastise them professionally if you have to? I am as black as they come and the only way I will part with that is if I allow my freedom to express myself be taken away.

We were promised vigour in how corruption is dealt with but little did we know that this was going to be done at the price of press freedom.

-Remember, these are my opinions people- ngukhupa wam-

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